Sunday, 12 October 2014


I have previously undertaken occasional book reviews on Amazon and for one or two football publications, but I wanted to provide this on my (very occasional) blog to potentially reach a wider, if not necessarily numerically greater, audience.


Universality is the new book from coach, blogger and author Matthew Whitehouse (Follow him on Twitter @The_W_Address or via his blog ) and is now available from Amazon in paperback or electronic versions here: Universality - The Blueprint for Soccer's New Era

Matthew is well qualified with a Masters Degree in sports coaching and an UEFA A Licence and with a wide practical experience of coaching the game.

Universality Review

Both Tactical and Practical, “Universality” examines tactical evolution and nuances and even (with passing reference to “The Way Forward”, Matthew’s previous excellent book) explains the tactical naivety of the way we understand and coach the game here in England.

Reflection and analysis of the tactics of the modern game, including recent trends such as tiki-taka and gegenpressing are supplemented by the real crux of the book – INDIVIDUAL development.

From the Sweeper-Keeper through the modern defender, to the evolved ‘libero’, the ‘architects’ and the interchangeable forwards who play FROM the wings as well as through the middle, this book examines and raises the profile of the ‘complete’ player.

Those who can both defend with assertiveness and clever anticipation but who are also very capable of carrying and playing with the ball to contribute to the attacking phases with equal dexterity and from all over the pitch are and will be the modern player.

With clear diagrams and explanations and with reference to modern teams, Matt explains HOW the modern player works within the collective environment. So, individual players who are able to play in a variety of positions and who possess traits and skills to fit into and, more importantly, to create a truly team environment.

The coach as visionary, innovator, philosopher and team facilitator is also examined in detail with references to and thoughtful quotes from successful and significant coaches of the modern game.

A logical addition and detailed follow up to “The Way Forward” this further excellent book is a must read for the modern coach.

Whether you are taking the first steps on your Level 1 Coaching Award in football with a grassroots Under 7 team, are a UEFA B licence coach working in a professional club’s Academy or even as a coach at the senior end of the game this new work will help you recognise and understand developing trends in the modern game.

More importantly, it will help you form your own philosophy to player and team development whilst raising your awareness of the detail required to be a modern, progressive, visionary and effective coach.

I recommend it !

Arrigo Sacchi - "I see kids who are 14 or 15 years old who are already specialists. But football is not a sport of specialists.
I was watching the under-15s the other day – 14-year-old boys – and the central defenders arrived and all they did was mark their man.
They took themselves out of the game.
This is suffering - this is not joy, this is not football.

If someone does just one thing over and over, they will get better at that thing. But is football just one thing?”

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