I was prompted to write this piece after having seen a
comment on the internet about the “FA Blazers” not being football people.
To my mind there has been a consistent criticism and
denigration of large swathes of people involved in football, whether paid or
volunteers and I just wanted to offer an alternate view.
By doing so, I am not for one instant suggesting that “The
FA” (or rather people involved in operating it) are above, or immune from,
criticism. No-one gets everything right all the time but there is a great deal
of good work going on by excellent people and I hope by offering this, we will ultimately
see a more balanced view than the populist and tabloid media view of affairs.
DINOSAURS / AMATEURSAn oft levelled insult, but what does this mean, really?
The phrase ‘Dinosaurs’ tends to be taken as meaning out of time, a remnant of a time gone by when, by most rules of natural selection, would have seen them as extinct by now.
People described as dinosaurs tend to be thought of as wizened older people with an historical view of reality. But as Richard Pryor once said ‘You don’t get to be old, by being a fool !’
In our society we seem to assume that ‘old’ means ‘stupid’ whereas other societies tend to regard age as bringing wisdom and experience.
With reference to the term ‘Amateurs’ that tends to bring a meaning that individuals are callow and uneducated and lacking in knowledge about a pursuit (whatever that pursuit is).
However, really, amateur merely means unpaid. A lot of people involved in sport are amateurs. Does that mean they have no value?
“Volunteers are unpaid, not because they are useless, but because they
are PRICELESS” – Darren Moss, Norfolk County FA, 2012 ( @DazMossy )
“Dinosaurs”, really, is nothing to do with age and
everything to do with mind-set. I have come across some really progressive and modern, open-minded individuals who are relatively advanced in years. Equally, I have come across some closed minded individuals in their 20s and 30s.
So far as the term ‘amateurs’ is concerned, some of the
volunteers that make up county FA representation on the FA Council are
absolutely nothing of the kind. They may not get paid for their current role
but I know for a fact that many of them have run their own businesses, have
held high ranking roles in major corporations with a lifetime of business
experience behind them.
I know some who are or have been, Club Chair people, players, coaches, managers, referees, administrators, club secretaries and sponsors and owners of clubs at different levels in the game. Are these not, by definition, therefore, ‘Football People’?
They have maturity, a wealth of knowledge, experience and,
often, a lifetime in the game on which to call.
So please, news editors, bloggers, social media advocates
and pub conversationalists, please consider that many individuals have a great
and positive influence on and in our game, so let’s not stereotype in this way.
Perhaps this blog post is also prompted by my recognition
that I am now reaching an age whereby I could also easily be regarded (by those
who don’t know me) as a dinosaur, merely because of my age and appearance.
Hopefully, those that read this (very occasional) blog and
follow me on Twitter will recognise that I am always seeking new ways to see
things in and about the game and am always prepared to debate the issues of the
day.Comments are welcome